Imani Scribes
Journalism Workshop for BIPOC Students
Service Description
Join the Imani Scribes: Journalism Workshop, designed specifically for BIPOC students aged 12-18. Award-winning local journalist, Rachael Devaney, along with other experts in the industry, will introduce the skills you need to be a great journalist, from researching and interviewing to writing and editing. Develop your voice and gain confidence as you explore the world of journalism in a supportive and safe environment. Sign up today for this completely free six-week program and discover your potential as a future journalist. Transportation support available! Stipend for participation! Generously supported by The Cooperative Bank of Cape Cod. This course is designed to teach the fundamentals of journalism including writing features, editorials, news, sports, profiles and in‐depth articles or a series. Layout/design will be briefly covered, along with information surrounding the First Amendment and a journalists’ rights and responsibilities, libel, obscenity and invasion of privacy. Week 1: Intro to Journalism Week 2: Interviewing Week 3: Writing Production Week 4: Law and Ethics Week 5: Multimedia Production Week 6: Editing Story Drafts Reconvene in May for author event!
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